Music for the liturgy for October 2024

October 6 Sunday Sung Mass 10.30 Trinity 19. Organist Tim Rogerson 

Congregational Mass setting: The Petersfield Mass - Colin Mawby 1936-2019 
Like as the hart desires the waterbrooks - Herbert Howells - 1892-1983
 Ego sum panis vivus (I am the living bread)- Juan Esquivel late 16thC 

October 13 Sunday Sung Mass 10.30 Trinity 20 Organist Adrian Taylor 
Mass in E Misericordia Domini - Josef Rheinberger 1839-1901 
Ecce sacerdos (Behold The Great High Priest) - Edward Elgar 1857-1934 
Ave verum (Hail! True Body of Christ) - William Byrd 1540-1623 

October 20 Sunday Sung Mass 10.30 Trinity 21    Organist Adrian Taylor 
Congregational Mass setting: Mass of St Thomas - David Thorn 1955- 
O Rex gloriae (O King of glory, Lord of all power) Lucca Marenzio 1553-99 
O sacrum convivium (O sacred banquet) - Giovanni Croce 1557-1609 

October 27 Sunday Sung Mass 10.30 Last of Trinity Organist Tim Rogerson 
Communion Sevice in F Major - Harold Darke 1888-1976 
O taste and see (Psalm 34 v 8) - R V Williams 1872-1958
Beati quorum via (Blessed are those) - C V Stanford 1852-1924 
