Music for the liturgy for September 2024
September 15 Sunday Sung Mass 10.30. Trinity 16 Organist Tim Rogerson.
Mass setting:The Peresfield Mass Colin Mawby
Anthem: O thou the central Orb - Charles Wood 1866-1926
Motet:In nomine Jesu - at the name of Jesus - Jacob Handl 1550-91
September 22 Sunday Sung Mass 10.30 Trinity 17. Organist Adrian Taylor Mass setting:Mass in Bb for 3 Voices - Josef Rheinberger 1839-1901
Motet: King of Glory King of Peace - Richard Lloyd 1933-2021
Motet: Pater noster (The Lord's Prayer: Our Father..) - Philip van Wilder c.1500-54
September 29- Sunday Sung Mass 10.30 St Michael Patronal Festival
Organist Tim Rogerson
Introit Gaudeamus omnes Sancti Michael – Gregorian Chant 12thC
Missa Brevis Johannes de Deo - J Haydn 1732-1809
Anthem: O how glorious is the kingdom - Basil Harwood 1859-1949 Anthem: O be joyful in the Lord - Benjamin Britten 1913-76
September 29 Choral Evensong 18.00. Organist Adrian Taylor
Responses: Bernard Rose 1916-96 Psalm 150 - Colin Mawby 1936-2019
Canticles in G Herbert Sumsion - 1899-1995
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith -Ernest Bullock 1890-1979